This blog is created by students from Clemson University's spring 2009 course Women's Studies 459 - "Building Bodies: Women's Bodies in Theory and Practice." This class explores the construction of bodies from various methodological perspectives, focusing on five specific areas: theories of bodies; bodies and genders and sexes; “misbehaving” bodies; politics of bodies; and constructing bodies. We welcome comments and contributions to our posts and discussions.

27 April 2009

Sheela na Gig

A Celtic goddess, I posted a picture as a comment to the Annie Sprinkle/speculum photo since it reminded me of depictions of this creation goddess. Since the images are often so old, most of what I could find is speculation and conjecture, but it's an interesting goddess since I was raised Catholic and we hide stuff like that in my religion.

1 comment:

  1. This picture kind of reminds me of a reading we did that had a picture of a penis but it was really a vagina. If I remember correctly what we read was talking about the claim that woman's parts are just incomplete male parts or something of the like. I think this picture is kind of the opposite, like taking a penis and splitting it to create a vagina.
