This blog is created by students from Clemson University's spring 2009 course Women's Studies 459 - "Building Bodies: Women's Bodies in Theory and Practice." This class explores the construction of bodies from various methodological perspectives, focusing on five specific areas: theories of bodies; bodies and genders and sexes; “misbehaving” bodies; politics of bodies; and constructing bodies. We welcome comments and contributions to our posts and discussions.

14 April 2009

gender and experimentation

Two interesting articles in the NYTimes today -- one on how Disney is doing market research to gain more young boy viewers and consumers, another on "postnature" and Stelarc (who we mentioned in relation to Orlan), and Stelarc's extra ear (the one implanted on his forearm). Take a look!

1 comment:

  1. I read that article on Disney (thanks to the collegiate readership program that provides the NYTimes and USAToday) and found it rather fascinating. I remember Davy Crockett and enjoyed it even as a girl. I noticed the shift to Hannah Montana but since we don't have a tv I failed to notice that there was no equivalent for boys until the article pointed it out.
