This blog is created by students from Clemson University's spring 2009 course Women's Studies 459 - "Building Bodies: Women's Bodies in Theory and Practice." This class explores the construction of bodies from various methodological perspectives, focusing on five specific areas: theories of bodies; bodies and genders and sexes; “misbehaving” bodies; politics of bodies; and constructing bodies. We welcome comments and contributions to our posts and discussions.

18 February 2009

Law & Order SVU

I was watching Law & Order SVU yesterday, once during the day and the other at night, and both episodes were centered around a transgendered person!
In the first episode the male was taking hormones and looked like a women but had yet to have surgery. She ends up killing someone who was going to "out" her to her boyfriend, who didn't know that she was transgendered. An issue that comes up in this episode is that once she is sentenced to prison should she be put in a male prison or a female prison? I think this is a very tough decision to make!
In the second episode a boy is accused of attempting to kill his father because he refuses to let the child go on hormone blockers during his adolescent years, which when taken make the re-assignment surgery easier. In the end it turns out the child's guidance counselor was the one who tried to kill the father because she was transgendered and didn't want the child to go through the same pain and difficult times that she had. It was a pretty crazy story.
I just thought it was strange to see two shows in one day about transgendered people, and I feel like I have been seeing it so much on television. An observation I had is that all the transgendered that are portrayed in shows or even on reality tv are always male to female, I have yet to see a female to male "star".


  1. Oops, sorry for making my post have such small didn't look that tiny in the preview!

  2. I saw this exact same episode the other night and was thinking the same thing - how strange that SVU airs multiple episodes regarding transgendered characters. This was actually the third one I have seen. What I wonder is this the subject matter because of sensationalism/viewer interest or is this supposed to be suggestive that crimes involving transgendered people are more common than we realize? Another interesting observation - why are these all associated with "sex crimes"?

  3. Law and order loves some transgender stories!Im pretty sure I've seen that episode (probably have seen them all). It is very interesting the way society has tried to turn away from the idea of two genders. I don't really know what else to say. Gender is becoming less of definite category. Works out well for those trying to find their place in society.

  4. I didn't see it! Did they put the person in jail with the men or the women?!
    I think they're all associated with sex crimes because that's what the show is about: crimes. they never have people like that in positions of power. Wouldn't it be a neat twist if it was one of the main characters? Like that was why he/she joined the SVU, to protect others like him/herself.
