This blog is created by students from Clemson University's spring 2009 course Women's Studies 459 - "Building Bodies: Women's Bodies in Theory and Practice." This class explores the construction of bodies from various methodological perspectives, focusing on five specific areas: theories of bodies; bodies and genders and sexes; “misbehaving” bodies; politics of bodies; and constructing bodies. We welcome comments and contributions to our posts and discussions.

04 May 2009

comment on Marie's double standard

In Persepolis 2, Satrapi spoke out against that very thing. At her college, the girls were told that they needed to wear longer chadors because they were distracting the boys, but remember in the movie how the guys were wearing skin-tight pants and their junk was showing? tsk-tsk on the double standard!

03 May 2009

Boob implants?

So Miss California was offered a boob job by the Miss California pageant and she took it. If she was beautiful enough to win Miss California, then why are they trying to alter (or improve in their case) her body? This really bothers me, I do not know if she already wanted surgery or if they offered it to her. Either way it was obviously done in order to increase her chances of winning Miss USA because it was completed six weeks before the competition. This ties into our essay question with whether or no women should be able to alter their bodies. I see no issue with this alteration, but the reason behind doing it is a bit questionable. Was she doing it for self-satisfaction, to further her career, or some other reason? I see nothing wrong with the implants, but if she did it just for the competition, I think that is a bit shallow.

Civil Rights

When a male has a sex change to become a female, can he then legally marry a man? I was reading about how the majority of Americans are supporting civil rights for all. According to New York Times and CBS news, 42% (that is an increase from 33% just a month before) say same sex couples should be allowed to be legally married. I know that there are a few states now that support gay marriage, but how does a person who had a sex change fit into the laws? Is it still considered gay marriage then?

COMM lab

The other day in class my T.A. for my Comm lab was discussing how we needed to prepare for our persuasive speeches. While he was going over the guidelines, he mentioned that “girls need to watch what they wear as to not to distract the boys.” I was like, wow, I cannot believe you just said that. When he said that, I wanted to ask him, well I hope the boys don’t wear short sleeve shirts because their arms might distract me. He could have said something else; he did not have to say it like that. I did find it amusing though that a teacher actually said that. Why should girls have to watch what they wear when guys don’t have to be conscious? I mean, there are things that a guy can wear that would distract women, so why not point out to the boys that they should watch what they wear as to not distract the girls? Way to have a double standard against women.

Maybelline dream liquid foundation

Now you can get the airbrushed look too right in your own home! Yea, so Maybelline has this new foundation out that supposedly makes you look airbrushed. This is crazy, every year it seems like some major product is introduced to help women look flawless. What is wrong with having flaws? I think it was a dove ad maybe that showed how company’s airbrush their clients and photoshop them to achieve perfection, but if you look at the woman that they started off with she was a completely different person than the finished product. This new airbrushed look is nice, but why have it? Now when you meet someone all they are going to see is the airbrushed you. Personally, I would be kind of afraid to take off my makeup in front of people if they are used to seeing me airbrushed. I can only imagine how that transforms the complexion of one’s face. But still, why are we trying to improve our external beauty? At the end of the day, we’re still the same whether we are airbrushed or not. Maybe the airbrushing of a person is similar to the online identity of someone. You are presenting yourself as how you want to look, not as how you truly look. You are masking those flaws and presenting only what you want to be seen. Why do women try so hard to achieve perfection? All they can do is try, so why waste time and money trying to be someone you are not?

Plan B soon available to 17 year olds

The makers of Plan B have been trying to lower the age of those who can purchase the Plan B pill. They have tried from all ages, to 16 and older, and now 17 and older. It was passed that those 17 and older could purchase this product. I think this is a good idea, however, I think it should be available to all ages. Whether we like it or not, there are children having unprotected sex at very young ages, the least we can do is help prevent them from becoming pregnant. Most 17 and 18 year olds are not prepared to have children, yet still engage in sexual activities. By lowering this age I think it would help decrease the number of unintended pregnancies among our youth. We can’t limit the age of those who has sex, so why should there be an age limit on who can purchase the Plan B pill? It would save a lot of families’ heartache when the child comes home and says they are pregnant if they had the option of taking a pill the morning after to prevent the pregnancy. I know there are a lot of ethical issues with this pill because it is preventing pregnancy which is a natural process in life. But having a 17 year old raise a child is also an ethical issue also. A scientific review staff said the pill could be used by women of all ages, so it does not really make since for the FDA to put an age limit on those who can purchase it. In fact, in many other industrialized nations, Plan B as well as other contraceptive drugs have been available to women of all ages, so why are they limited in the US? Is it because women don’t have the right to have it available to them? What is the reasoning behind the FDAs decision on only those 17 and older can purchase it? There is no age limit on purchasing condoms is there? Yea, didn’t think so.

Mathew Shepard Hate Crimes Bill Passes House of Representative

It is horrible that we live somewhere where these things happen. In this bill it states that the feds will step in the investigation if local agencies refuse to look into them. I didn’t know that these agencies had an option of refusing to follow a case. Hate crimes can occur cased on someone’s race, age, gender, sexual orientation, religion, disability, and more. It is about time that we have someone working to protect minorities. Hate crimes are so brutal, especially the whole case involving Mathew Shepard. It is amazing how police can say that it occurred during the process of the robbery when he was solely picked out and beaten to death. How does a robbery involve someone being beaten to death, I though robberies involved guns and money. I know here where I am from; hate crimes are more common than we know. They even occur at school, which is really sad. Bullying is just a milder, well not always, form of a hate crime. Just because someone believes that they are superior to another person does not give them a reason to harm or kill someone. If you do not like gay people then just ignore them, do nt go out of your way to kill them, seriously, what good could come of that, one less gay person? Really, what good is that going to do, you’ll either go to jail or be punished or have a all the gay people wanting to hunt you down? Some people just need to suck it up and get used to the new times. There are gay people, hell it was even rumored that President Lincoln was gay. As far as I know, there have always been gay people, and there probably will always be gay people, so accept it. Killing one gay person really isn’t going to do a thing. Hate crimes are ridiculous; all you are doing is eliminating one person out of a plethora of people, why would someone risk their freedom for that?

Disability or not?

Have you seen the show George Lopez? I just started watching this show recently and I saw an episode where George’s son Max is diagnosed with dyslexia. George is also dyslexic but I am more concerned about Max’s situation. The teacher talks to George about the situation and suggests that he is put in special education classes. This really bothers me. Special education classes, from my experience, are for those students who have a serious learning and/or behavioral problems. In this situation, Max is a fairly decent student who has never had any behavioral at home or in school. What my issue is, is that yes he has dyslexia but he is all of a sudden being treated as if he has a serious disability. What is the definition of disability? According to a disability is ‘a physical or mental handicap, esp. one that prevents a person from living a full, normal life or from holding a gainful job.” As far as I know, dyslexia does not hold a person back. My nephew is dyslexic and for years he had trouble in school and depending on what school he attended he could take regular or special needs classes. It was not until he was about eight that he was diagnosed with dyslexia. He never had any behavioral problems but he did slightly fall behind academically. However, after they realized this was his problems, they simply reworded his work. He did the same material as the rest of the class, but on assignments his questions would be worded in a way that might be confusing to someone without dyslexia. Once they figured this out, he caught up to his level very quickly. So what I am getting at, is if something as simple as rephrasing assignments could help, why are certain school systems sending these children to special education classes. I understand that this condition calls for some extra help, but I do not think that it should be considered a disability, at least not to the extreme in which many school systems consider it.

Sexy m&m's

Why are M&M commercials becoming sexual? Seriously, what good comes out of a green M&M acting in a provocative way and have all the other M&Ms melting? M&M’s are supposed to be tasty chocolate candies. I’m not sure what audience they are trying to aim at by making M&M’s sexual but it’s definitely not mine, or children’s. If M&Ms have to be sexual in order to advertise, there is no telling what crazy item will become “sexified” next.