This blog is created by students from Clemson University's spring 2009 course Women's Studies 459 - "Building Bodies: Women's Bodies in Theory and Practice." This class explores the construction of bodies from various methodological perspectives, focusing on five specific areas: theories of bodies; bodies and genders and sexes; “misbehaving” bodies; politics of bodies; and constructing bodies. We welcome comments and contributions to our posts and discussions.

19 March 2009

Everyone Matters

To continue our discussion/thoughts about transgender issues, check out this excellent video:


  1. I like this video and I think that the issues in here are very important to the transgender community. But I wonder how the Equal Employment Opportunities laws do not help those who are transgendered. I know that some cases have been won citing the EEO laws. Perhaps this was solely people who were discriminated against when they had actually had a sex-change operation. I'm not sure. However, I think that it's sad that there is very little protection in the workplace and that so many are afraid to speak up about discriminatory practices.

  2. Becca - there is another interesting story you might want to look up kind of related to this. There was an elected councilman or mayor in Florida, I think last year or the year prior, who had a sex change operation and was thrown out of office because of it. The justification is that s/he was not the person the community had not elected.
    Something interesting you might want to refer to in your research too -- sex is not a suspect class as defined by the Supreme Court, meaning, discrimination based on sex has much higher standards of proof than those of religion or race.
